Save money
Save resources
Save maintenance work
Instead of repair: Care.
Take care of your own customers while our Adsorbers make sure that your systems run smoothly.
No corrosion
No quality loss of operating oils
No hydrolysis
No time-consuming maintenance work
More than 16,000 companys trust our GIEBEL Adsorbers®
We keep more than 13.200l water are out of machinery & storage tanks per year
Each year, we prevent 900l oil in form of aerosols escaping machines to protect people and environment
The dry agents of your plant.

Economical & easy to handle:
Disposable Adsorbers
Disposable ventilation dryers and oil mist separators, which are quickly replaced when fully loaded.

Sustainable: Rechargeable Adsorbers
Sustainable adsorbers where the inner workings can be replaced and components are used for as long as their service life allows.

Ultra Stable: Metallic Adsorbers
The ideal adsorbers for harsh environments - wherever our filters are exposed to dust and stone splashes as well as swell and sea air.
Where adsorbers make the difference.

Hydraulic Power Packs
By drying the incoming air, adsorbers protect hydraulic power packs from condensation damage.

Sucked in, moist ambient air significantly reduces the service life of a gear oil. Adsorbers can prevent the entry of humidity.

Barrels & IBC
Aeration dryers from GIEBEL can be used to protect hygroscopic substances in barrels and IBCs like isocyanate, oils and biological fuels.

Storage tanks
When tanks cool, moist air leads to condensate ant thus reduces the quality of the substance contained. GIEBEL has developed special tank ventilation dryers to keep the air dry.

GIEBEL dehumidifiers protect transformers from hydrolysis of the cellulose paper in the transformer and thus from a reduction in its degree of polymerisation by effectively drying and filtering the sucked in moist supply air.